Favorite Blogs


Here is a list of my favorite book blogs.  This is by no means the complete list, as the list of bloggers keeps growing.

Maryse’s Book Blog    http://www.maryse.net/
Autumn Review   http://www.autumnreview.com/
Aesta’s Book Blog   http://aestasbookblog.com/
Flirty and Dirty Book Blog  http://www.flirtyanddirtybookblog.com/
A Love Affair with Books blog  http://www.aloveaffairwithbooks.com/
Girls in the Stacks   http://girlsinthestacks.com/
The Phantom Paragrapher   http://www.thephantomparagrapher.blogspot.com/
Vilma’s Book Blog   http://vilmasbookblog.com/
Totally Booked   http://totallybookedblog.com/