Recent Posts
The secret behind disappearing Amazon Reviews?
Today I logged on to Amazon to check on my novels because: 1) I'm perpetually curious about my ranking (it's like some sort of validation to my worth as an author) and, 2) as much as I advise others to ignore reviews, I still look. Yesterday, Love Unscripted had 1145...
Reminiscing and the women who supported my fantasy
3 years ago, on September 30, 2012, one of my biggest dreams came true. My second novel, Love Unrehearsed, hit the N.Y. Times Bestsellers list. Holy crap. As an author, that's like getting an Oscar. I came in at #9 on the list. The following week, LU2 was still on the...
New Kindle Fire Giveaway!
I want to give a new Kindle Fire away to someone. I want to do an act of kindness for someone who may not be as fortunate or lucky. So for this last giveaway, please help me make it special. I want to give the gift to someone who NEEDS IT, not someone looking to...
After Christmas Giveaway Winners!
Thanks to all who entered. And the winners are: From Facebook: Lindsey Armstrong From Instagram: Molly Dewey Congratulations, ladies! Please forward your mailing address information to:
Piracy makes my brain sad
Every day, I try to start my day (and yours) with a positive message. I constantly remind myself that good energy is so much more healthy than bad and so it’s even more disheartening to me when I find myself drowning in the murkiness of negativity. I ended my social...
Giving the Gift of Reading Giveaway!!!
I cannot believe 2013 is almost over. This year has been so magical, so wonderful, and as Thanksgiving has just passed and Christmas and New Year are days away, I can't help but reminisce and reflect on how truly blessed my year has been. Not only have my wonderful...
National Author’s Day! 🙂
In case you've been hiding under a rock in your yoga pants while being distracted by shiny things all day like I have been, we need to acknowledge that today - well for the next, um... few measly hours, that it is: NATIONAL AUTHOR'S DAY! Yep, I searched it on Google,...
Punctuating Dialogue and Direct Quotations: A Dozen Rules
Here is a great "cheat sheet" to add to your reference library. Punctuation mistakes are something that blatantly stand out to readers, so here are some great tips to help you punctuate correctly. Click on the 12 Punctuation Tips PDF file link below. What do grandmas...
LIVE CHAT – Wednesday, October 30th
Please join me as I do a live chat, hosted by the wonderful ladies over at 50 Shades of Gabriel Crossfire Unscripted Destiny Book Club! Here is their Facebook profile if you want to follow them: This will...
Luck comes in 3’s
What an amazing year this has been! I've gotten to see so many of my readers on the Love Unscripted/Unrehearsed book tour, hugged a lot of you, praised husbands and boyfriends for carrying your piles of books at the signings, and taught a few out in Seattle the proper...